Donnerstag, 13. November 2008

I'm watching Heroes!

I'm basically doing nothing these days, so I decided to start watching Heroes (inspired by G :)) on (which is a pretty kick-ass site). I've only just finished episode 6 of season 1, but I already have to say that I really underestimated this show. It still has to find its feet a little (which I'm sure it's already done - but I haven't reached that episode yet), but it's definitely a very promising show (I know, I'm a little late, but I'm catching up).
Here are some thoughts:

  • I love Ando! But I think at this point of the story, Hiro is a tad annoying. The whole "I want to be a hero" and "I couldn't save them" is cute at the beginning, but after a while I just thought, "Dude, you have, like, the coolest super-powers imaginable. Give yourself a rest." But I definitely find myself laughing at his scenes more and more. I think he'll turn out to be a very interesting character.
  • So far, my favorite characters are Niki (split-personality lady) and Isaac (the guy who paints the future). Thanks to the wonderful medium of the Internet I already know what's going to happen to Isaac (ouch!), but I still enjoy his character a lot. Mainly because this must be the first time ever that we see a Hispanic character as a druggie, and that is, for some reason, extremely relieving. (Clamor against stereotyping!)
  • In the German version of the show (I have to watch the show in German... I can't find the episodes in English anywhere for free) the Japanese dialogues of Ando and Hiro are actually in German. Which I guess was a good idea at the beginning, because you didn't have to read all the time, but it comes out as a little ridiculous when they are talking to other characters (who, in the original version, would be speaking English while H & A are talking Japanese). Because the other characters don't understand the two in a lot of scenes, it gives you a little "uhm, okay" feeling. I don't know the reasons behind this weird change, but I guess you just have to get used to it (shame though - Japanese is a lovely language to listen to!)
  • The good thing about me having to watch the German version is that I don't have to hear Sendhil Ramamurthy's (Mohinder - loves him!) deadly annoying voice (: What's the accent? Posh English? Indian? Pick a style, dude.
  • The special effects are pretty impressive, considering this is a TV show in its first season. It's just nice for a change to see someone flying through the air without them looking like, you know, lying on water bed mattress (what?).
  • LEONARD ROBERTS! I loved him in Buffy, and D.L. is a total bad-ass. I've got a nasty feeling he won't be around for too long (what with his wife being a dangerous, psycho killer and all), but he's such an amazing actor to watch
  • Sylar hasn't appeared a lot so far (although I have seen a bunch of his gruesome crime scenes), but he's a very impressive and disturbing character. He might actually turn out to be one of my new all-time favorite baddies (number one is Caleb the priest from Buffy and number two Rudy from Dexter).

Anywho, thanks a lot to G (and J) for introducing me to this show. I've been feeling like watching it for a year, but I think it can be a little exhausting to watch an entire show on the Internet.
But it's definitely worth it (:

Oh, and they changed the pronouncation from Micah's name in the first few episodes from Mick-a to Mike-a. Cute (:

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ha! Welcome to the world of Heroes! =D

Season 2 FINALLY started here and we are on the 4th episode already. Boy, there are some changes in the future!

Niki is my favourite too, btw. Perhaps because I have so many identities as well. =)

In the English version, Ando (and especially Hiro who can hardly speak a word of English) use very very broken English in the US, until Hiro starts getting to know the language a bit better. The process is very realistic, though I can guess that it might get lost a bit in translation.

And wouldn't you know it? We just started watching Season 1 again ~ you know, to keep us busy while waiting for each week's episode in Season 2 ~ and I realized that Mohinder's accent moved from Indo-British to simply high British. In Season 1 he rolls his 'r's a LOT more, which is a bit silly, innit?

I think Hiro is the real hero, because the character growth he undergoes from basically a caricature of a little Japanese guy (with jiggling cheeks) to the pretty cool & confident Samurai dude Peter meets on the train, wow, isn't that one stunning transformation?

I like that the subtitles move all over the screen, instead of simply lying at the bottom of it. Nice touch!

Hope you enjoy it to the end!