Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

Ryan Reynolds on running

I have to say, I was getting a little bored of Ryan Reynolds (aka Mr. King), especially since I discovered that every once in a while, he blogs for the Huffington Post. EvilBeet, very honestly, said about his writing: "and I won’t get into this in much detail, but his stuff is so overwritten and irrelevant and annoying — we get it, Ryan. You know big words and you’re a famous actor. Big props to you, buddy." which is absolutely fitting. I mean, I consider myself pretty thick-skinned when it comes to reading boring articles, but his stories (titled "Competitive Eating" - yuck - and "The Clown God") are absolutely impossible to read without a dictionary and/or a translator - I had to stop about half-way through and start again, not only because the entire concept is extremely hodgepodge but also because he has a very poor writing style.

However, he now released another article, called "Why I'm Running The New York Marathon", which I have to say is absolutely amazing. Basically I could not care less about anything than Ryan Reynolds evildoer brother, or the New York Marathon, or running, but the writing style in this article is pretty amazing, and it both moved me and made me laugh.

Ronin should read this!

Oh, and by the way? I still like Alanis better. Ehem, go away, Scarlett.

PS: When does Vin Diesel start writing for The Huffington Post? That's the day I'm looking forward to!

1 Kommentar:

Ronin hat gesagt…

Hey Poppana,

thx for the link. I read it and I liked it.

So often I have asked myself, what is the benefit of doing something which obviously doesn't raise any money, but at the same time bragging about doing something good for someone else. But this article has corrected my vantage point. It is not about what you, but that you do. And if you do this by talking to the public and telling them, "hey, I am going to do something I haven't done before, and I ask you to do something in return", then I think it is indeed a great idea.

Thx again for sharing what you found during your research on the net.

Be well and nice. Always clean your room, separate the garbage, and listen to your parents ;)
