So, I watched Tropic Thunder yesterday, and it was just as amazing as I expected it to be.
The plot: five actors (Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, Jay Baruchel and Brandon T. Jackson) are send into the wildness of Vietnam to film a movie, in order to make it seem more realistic. Unfortunately, the director (Steve Coogan) steps on a landmine mere seconds after the guys have been abandoned by their helicopter and blows up. Another problem is, that there are actual baddies hunting the "set".
This movie is the ultimate Hollywood parody. There are three trailers at the beginning, which are already totally worth the money: Jack Black staring in the sequel of a ridiculous, Eddie Murphy-style comedy telling the story of a farting, obese family; Ben Stiller's character stars in the seventh installation of an action movie; and Downey Jr. stars in Brokeback Mountain in an abbey - alongside Tobey Maguire!
All the characters are complete cliches: the British, eccentric director; the hairy, choleric producer.
But the best thing in this movie is, of course, Robert Downey Jr. I mean, that guy is so funny.
His character starts off as a blond version of Hugh Jackman; you know, pretty, cool voice, Australian. And because he's such a dedicated actor, he goes through surgery to change his skin color so he can play an African-American part. And he doesn't manage to get out of character, and he's just talking in this incredible Sam Jackson/Morgan Freeman slang way.
Anyway, watch that movie. I only understood half of it. But Tom Cruise dances. I mean, that's cool, right?
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