Dienstag, 5. August 2008

Labor pains

After 14 hours of babysitting two eight-year olds and 42 hours of living with a fifteen-month old baby, I’ve reconsidered my plans of ever having children on my own.
To stand a single week with them they’d have to be gagged.

Sometimes it makes me so, so angry to see parents spoiling (or un-soiling) their kids. I guess it’s a little unfair, but what has to happen that a child turns into such a monster.
I mean, they haven’t even passed their first decade, and they’re already making people suffer on purpose.
I’ll just relay on my mother’s info, that I wasn’t like that (come on, pretty much every mother says that) and hope that, shall my day of reproduction actually arrive, I’ll do a better job. Or be smart enough not to get knocked up.
Working on that.

Ironically enough, today the article greeting me on Blogger.com is (dadada) Blogger Babies! Yay!

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