I have just finished Susan Fletcher's first book, Eve Green, and it just blew me away.
I read her second book, Oystercatchers, last summer, and it sort of became my favourite book, I fell in love with it.
So I was sort of nervous when I started reading Eve Green, because I was so "spoiler" by the other book.
But Eve is amazing.
Susan Fletcher just has an amazing power with words. The story takes place in Wales, and, even though I've never been to Wales, I feel like I've lived there.
The book is so rich in beautiful detail that I really felt present in the story - more than in any other book I've ever read.
The story is, like it was in Oystercatchers, a very quiet, very dark one:
When Evie's mother dies, she moves, aged 8, to her grandparents in Wales.
She tells the story of the following summer 21 years later, and it mainly covers two important events or secrets in Evie's life: the abduction of a local girl, and the mystery around her father's identity.
I recommend this book to absolutely everyone. It's sad, there's no doubt about that, but most of all, it's beautiful, in a very rare and wild way. And what is especially great about Susan Fletcher's books are her, well, I guess you could call them heroines. They're strong and stubborn and silent, but never ever weak.